Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Year's Eve 1962 "Don't Drink & Drive" Ad

Well, it's New Year's Eve – and readers of this blog know what that means, heh-heh.

It's time for another ghoulish, vintage 'Don't Drink and Drive' ad that appeared in the Journal in years gone by. Today's classic selection is from December 29, 1962 – sixty years ago. It's appeared on this blog before, but it's a classic in my opinion.

I like the grinning guy wearing the fedora that Death (or the Grim Reaper, if you prefer) has his bony arm around. He looks like your basic Madison Avenue advertising executive circa the 1960s, which means he was probably drinking at work as well.

The ad lacks the gruesome or shock element that others have had (such as the crumpled automobile or more menacing depiction of the Grim Reaper) but it still packs a punch, albeit a tamer one. 

And the roll call of sponsors – viewed in 2022 – is (as usual) a list of long-gone companies, with the exception of Lucas Plumbing.

Anyway, have a safe New Year's Eve.


I've been posting these types of ads (some creepy, some not) for years, when I find them, including 19501955; 1956; 19601961; 19681969; 1971; and a whole collection with 1953, 1957, 1959, and 1967.

1 comment:

  1. Y'know...

    I don't remember seeing these in my local paper as I grew up. I'll have to go back and take a look-see via NewspaperArchive.

    On the other hand... I do remember watching those gruesome 16mm movies in Driver's Ed about prom nights and railroad crossings and racing and drinking and driving!
