Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Another One Bites the Dust

A Google Maps view

Courtesy Morning Journal
I was a little dismayed to find out that the house at 2782 Oberlin Avenue was demolished about a week ago. 

I found out through one of the little 'teaser' emails that the Morning Journal sends out to entice people to subscribe. The address of the house mentioned in the email made me wonder if it was the same old farmhouse that I had written about back here in 2012; sure enough, it was. Apparently it had suffered a fire and had been more or less abandoned.

It's kind of sad that a landmark from the days when that stretch of Oberlin Avenue was mostly farms is now gone. The house was a reminder of the times when the City Limits was at Meister Road, and Black River Township lay beyond. 

Anyway, if you look closely while driving Oberlin Avenue between Meister and Cooper Foster Park Road, you can still see a few farmhouses that have somehow survived, including the old Neuman farmhouse. Click here and here to read about some of the other houses.

1 comment:

  1. There is still the brick one across the street from the north gate entrance to George Daniel just wondering have you ever done a post about George Daniel stadium? I know it was a Public works program like Ely Stadium and Strobel Field in Sandusky.

