Friday, November 18, 2022

Fire Poster Contest Winners – November 1972

Fire Prevention Week has been traditionally observed each year during the week of October 9th (in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire, which started on October 8th, 1871). 

In Lorain County, for many years there was an annual poster contest for school children sponsored by the Ford Motor Company. As I mentioned back on this post about the 1971 contest, I was one of the winners of the 1972 competition.

And here's the (yellowing) photo that ran in the Journal back on November 9, 1972 about the twelfth annual contest.

As the caption notes, we all received a $50 savings bond. I believe we were also given a tour of the Ford Plant as well, and a trophy which had a fireman on the top of it.

The Chronicle-Telegram's coverage (it ran a photo of the winners as well) noted that more than 400 posters were submitted by school children from Lorain, Amherst and Vermilion school systems. 
The competition was my introduction to the concept of art direction. Masson Junior High's art teacher was Chuck DeBracy, and he was the one who suggested to me the winning layout and theme of my poster, that of Uncle Sam wearing a fireman's hat and uniform, with the theme I WANT YOU TO PREVENT FIRES (or something like that). I remember having trouble drawing the pointing finger. I can't believe I didn't save the poster.
What I'm trying to remember is: what did I do with that $50 savings bond? 
Sorry folks, I was a mile from my condo on my way to work this morning when I realized I hadn't posted this! Sorry about that, Chief!


  1. Glad you're okay. By the way, you were a cute kid!

  2. If you still have that savings bond,it might be worth $50.25 after all these years Dan.

  3. I always had Great Ideas for fire prevention posters but lacked the skill to execute them.

    No... Not really...

    The best I ever did was draw a wall socket overloaded with plugs.
    And that idea, I stole from a National Geographic.


    True Confessions on the Dan Brady Blog...

  4. I was friends with DeBracy's son. Can't remember his name now. I think they moved away by the time we were in 3rd grade. Rudy Kazhoo became art teacher around that time. Wonder what became of him?
