Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Hills Ads – August/Sept 1962

The long-gone Hills department store out in South Lorain turns up repeatedly on this blog. 

Why? Because just thinking of the store conjures up a lot of pleasant memories: of the blinking lights chasing each other on the exterior signage of the store; of those low-slung white tables (low enough for a small kid to look into) with stuff piled in the various compartments; of freshly popped popcorn and frozen Cokes near the exit; of the Hills layaway plan that bought Mom and Dad a little time to save up to pay for the winter coats or toys or whatever.

It was also interesting for a kid living on the west side of Lorain to go to Hills. South Lorain was an exotic place, with the steel mill, Oakwood Park (with the train and the 'other' Easter Basket) and the Ohio National Guard armory

Anyway, below is a selection of large 3/4 page Hills ads that ran in the Journal in August and September 1962. The ads feature custom photography and are definitely of their own time. (Note the father wearing a suit & tie and fedora.)

Will the kids of today have nostalgic pangs someday of going to Target or Walmart when they were young? I kind of doubt it. 

With more and more of our shopping taking place online, the kids of today will probably have fond memories of the excitement of opening a package that was delivered by Amazon.


  1. I almost forgot about “the blinking lights chasing each other on the exterior signage of the store.” I lived near there and attended St. John’s school across the road. Hill’s carried the white shirts we needed for our uniforms. My mom would always get a popcorn, and I’s always get a frozen cherry Icie.

  2. Something I always think about whenever I think of Hill's (or Ontario)is racing to the Toy Department at the other end of the store, checking out what was new and interesting, perhaps picking up an item to take to Ma for her (sometimes) approval, then tracking her down, generally in Clothing or Housewares. It was fun, and safe; can you imagine letting your kids do that now?

  3. Alan,
    By any chance do you remember there being swimming pools set up by the toys at the Homewood Hills store? They were not kiddie pools they were the kind you would put together in the back yard.I also believe there was a swimming pool store in the Sheffield Center back in the Talking Christmas tree days but again I'm not sure.

  4. South Lorain still is an exotic place.Especially at night.I also used to get a big pretzel and frozen Coke at Hills.Super delicious.Still eat them to this day.I think I'll go to the freezer and crack one out,heat it up and get a Cherry Coke out and relive some old times.Thank you Dan.
