Friday, August 19, 2022

New Lorain City Hall Construction Underway – August 1972

To bring the week to a close (belatedly), here's a another one of the little photo features that the Journal used to specialize in, which is not surprising with all of the great photographers that they had on staff whose only job was to take pictures.

Fifty years ago, the construction of Lorain's new City Hall was well underway. Photographer Michael Good captured this cute image of one of the high school students employed that summer in the Auditor's office, in front of the building's framework. It appeared in the paper on August 2, 1972.

Times have certainly changed. It was routine back then for any mention or photo of a Lorain resident in the Journal to include their address. It certainly made Lorain seem like a small town.

Nowadays, privacy and safety concerns would make this newspaper tradition rather unlikely.


The March 1972 groundbreaking for the new City Hall was the subject of this post.


  1. Yeah, and the pretty girl photos are passe as well.

  2. I did a little research and apparently Shirley is still alive and living in Panama.But sadly her father Rafael passed away on what would have been his 90th birthday.I always wonder about people in photos like that.Where they are now.If they are still alive.What they did in their life.Nostalgia.

    1. I went to school with Shirley in 1966-67, at Charleston Elementary.
