Monday, August 22, 2022

Lorain County Fair Week – August 20 - 24, 1962

Well, it's Lorain County Fair Week – my favorite time of year. I hope to make it out there mid-week or so.( Gotta get my Rutana's Apple Dumpling fix!)

Sixty years ago, the full-page ad appeared in the Journal listing all of the attractions for the 1962 edition of the Fair, which ran from Monday, August 20 through Friday, August 24. (Only a five day run back then compared to our modern Fair's seven days.)

Interestingly, the big Grandstand headliner that year was Carmel Quinn. She was a hugely popular Irish entertainer, whose act included singing and storytelling. She first hit the big time, after coming to the United States, by winning the Arthur Godfrey Talent Scouts radio competition. She performed for several presidents and her sell-out St. Patrick's Day shows each March at Carnegie Hall led her to be known as the living embodiment of the holiday.

From August 20, 1962 Lorain Journal

She passed away in 2021.

The 1962 Lorain County Fair finished up the week with a Grandstand appearance on Friday by the International Tournament of Thrills auto daredevil show.


The Lorain County Fair has been a favorite topic on this blog.

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