Friday, June 24, 2022

Pepsi Day at Cedar Point Ad – June 16, 1962

Which do you prefer – Coke or Pepsi?

It's a timeless question. I guess it depends on whether you prefer the slighter sweeter taste of Pepsi. 

Of course, a lot of people don't drink cola at all and would probably answer, "Neither."

These days, there are so many variations of Coke and Pepsi (click here to read the surprisingly long list of the Pepsi ones) that I wonder if the classic version of each is still the most popular in the U. S.

But I was raised on Pepsi (we always had it with Yala's Pizza on Friday night). So it's still my cola of choice – as long as if it's the version with real sugar. But I like Vanilla Coke too.

Anyway, another reason to like Pepsi is shown below: a special Pepsi Day at Cedar Point. The ad ran in the Journal back on June 16, 1962.

It was a pretty good deal. You could ride all the rides for one price: $1.50 (children under 12) or $2.50 (children over 12). And best of all, the price of Pepsi-Cola at Cedar Point that day was only 5 cents. Back then, I would have been burping with anticipation.

Anyway, Pepsi has bubbled up again and again on this blog, along with enough posts about soft drinks to rival the number devoted to Reddy Kilowatt. 
Maybe it's because Pepsi is bottled in Elyria, and tastes farm-fresh. 


  1. When I was a kid, my favorite cola was Diet Pepsi when it had the cancer causing cyclamates; it tasted sweeter.
    A Diet Pepsi, a bag of Snyder's chips, and a 3 Musketeers bar...ah, childhood!

  2. I always liked an ice cold Coke and pretzels.Bite off a piece of pretzel and take a swig of Coke,chew it all up together and that's a nice hot nutritious meal.🤭🤭🤭🤭Esecially a big warm pretzel.Ever since the Hooligan and Big Chuck days of yore I've eaten pretzels and a Coke.

    1. That combination I mentioned was often my dinner when out shining shoes.

  3. Everybody knows it should be Hoolihan.

  4. I was once visiting Ottowa with a friend.

    We went out to eat.

    My friend ask the waitress if they had Coke or Pepsi.

    The waitress immediately said, "you're from The States."

    I ask her how she knew we were from the U.S.

    The waitress replied, "because you are the only ones who care if it's Coke or Pepsi!"
