Thursday, June 23, 2022

Journal TV Page – June 25, 1962

Here's another TV page of the Lorain Journal from the early 1960s for your amusement. This one is for Monday, June 25, 1962 – sixty years ago this month.

What caught my eye on the page are the drawings of Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd, showing their evolution over the previous 20+ years. The illustrations were a promotion for ABC-TV's The Bugs Bunny Show, which was winding down its primetime run in 1962.

Watching that show in the evening (where it originally ran) is one of my earliest memories of childhood.

Here's a promotional spot for the show, courtesy of YouTube. It's kind of funny seeing the normally good-natured Speedy Gonzales brandishing a knife (not too mention seeing the obnoxious canary Tweetie Pie holding a gun).

In its original run, the show used to open with the iconic Warner Brothers shield swinging open to reveal Bugs Bunny munching a carrot.
I was so dumb as a very young kid that every time I saw the WB shield (like at the beginning of a Warner Brothers movie, for example), I thought the Oscar-winning rabbit might pop out from behind it.
Anyway, here's the well-remembered opening and closing credits of The Bugs Bunny Show.


  1. Slowpoke Rodriguez,who was Speedy Gonzales cousin also carried a gun.Although in recent years the gun part has been edited out due to obvious reasons.

  2. Burbank California must be a magical place.

  3. Even though the networks had great shows back then, it's the local programming that I miss the most. Not just the kiddie shows like Captain Penny and Barnaby, but movie programs like KYW's "Early Show", news programs, even stuff like "Paige Palmer" and "The One O' Clock Club" fascinated me as a child, stimulating my intellect and imagination.
    As I no longer watch the major networks, I don't even know what kind of local programming exists, but I suspect that it's more agenda -driven, leftist drivel.

  4. Indeed Alan. I was an early riser much to my mother's dismay. Watching Farm Front at 6am. Picking up on pork, wheat prices, then Rex Humbard's Cathedral of Tomorrow. I can still see the graphic for the beginning of a lily pad and frog. Another I think it was called Lamp unto my Feet. Then Popeye! I have an exercise set I bought at an Oberlin garage sale for Paige Palmer. Included two little boards w bearings you can stand and twist on and a tennis ball like can w various color inch wide rubber bands. They are a little dried out. I liked the can. No network TV for me either. I watch TV a la carte.

    1. Right now I'm watching LEAVE IT TO BEAVER on MeTV.

  5. I know a baritone who studied at Oberlin Conservatory. Don't wan't to give his name 'cause he's fairly well known, now.

    When I met him, I asked him if he'd ever seen the "Bugs Bunny Opera Episode."

    He immediately starting singing both the Bugs and baritone parts of this clip -- comedic parts and all:

    He told me, that when he was a kid, that episode was the first time he'd ever heard such singing and that it was a mjor reason he ended up singing opera!

  6. Andy Griffith show was a repeat back then? I just watched that episode on ME TV 2 weeks ago....
