Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Holiday Inn Motel cottages – Then & Now

It's been exciting watching the former Holiday Inn Motel property (in more recent years, the McKenzie Woods apartments) get transformed into The VillageA Road to Hope Community.

(Click here to visit The Road to Hope website and learn about the good work they do, providing an "abstinence-based, twelve-step environment within where the addicted person receives the support, guidance and faith necessary to become a productive member of our society, while living in accordance with a regimen of daily sobriety.)

The organization has done a first rate job of renovating the buildings into something wonderful. The work is now complete and a ribbon cutting was held on Friday, May 27th.

It wasn't very long ago that the empty cottages at the eastern end of the property looked like this.

And here they are today.


  1. Hope it works out for all involved.But usually a place like that will look nice for maybe a year or two at best.Then slowly it will morph into a scroungy section 8 type slum hole.Drugs will become commonplace.Loud cars at every hour of the day.Especially loud motorcycles.Then guns.And eventually murders.And you know how the old saying goes,Once an addict always an addict.So very true.But I give them 5 stars for trying.

  2. Looks like it’s coming along nicely.
