Thursday, June 2, 2022

Dolly Parton Comes to Elyria Catholic – June 1972

Courtesy Wikipedia
Dolly Parton has been such a huge star for so many years that it's interesting to see that she made a Lorain County appearance fairly early in her career back in early June 1972, with her performing partner Porter Wagoner.

Dolly and Porter were one of country music's most popular duos. She first appeared on The Porter Wagoner Show in 1967, and the duo released their first studio album in early 1968. They were so popular that it's not surprising that they would take the show on the road.

And in June 1972, the show came to Elyria Catholic High School. Below is the ad that appeared in the Lorain Journal back on June 2, 1972 – fifty years ago today.

Also appearing on the bill was comedian Gilbert "Speck" Rhodes, as well as the Wagonmasters.

Dolly would eventually leave the show to strike out on her own in 1975, and launch a successful career that is still going strong today. Click here to visit her website.


One of the local UHF channels (either 43 or 61) used to show the syndicated Porter Wagoner Show, and although I never watched it, I remember Dolly Parton being on it – because of the outlandish wigs she wore!

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