Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Hills Dept. Store Boat Show – June 1962

Boat Shows seem to be a regular topic on this blog. And I don't even own a boat!

I've done a couple of posts (here and here) over the years about the Mid-America Boat Show, traditionally held in Downtown Cleveland during the winter months. 

Midway Mall had its own Boat Show as well. (You can read about the March 1971 edition  here). And I mentioned the boat display during the Open House of Vermilion Marina in May 1965.

Well, Hills Department Store on Route 57 was apparently ahead of its time, holding its own Boat Show in its parking lot in warm weather. Although Hills had been open for two years (having held its Grand Opening in August 1960), it was still coming up with creative ways to drive traffic into the store.

Below are the two ads that appeared in the Journal promoting the special event, on Tuesday June 5th and Wednesday, June 6, 1962.

So you couldn't afford a boat? Not to worry. As an extra enticement to lure shoppers, Hills also offered 20 to 40% off on all fishing tackle and sporting goods.
All in all, a pretty good promotion, and a nice reminder of how buying a boat was not out of the average worker's grasp, back when the area's economy was firing on all cylinders.
My family never owned a boat (most of us can't even swim), but Dad had several work friends from BF Goodrich who took him fishing out on the lake. I went out with Dad and his buddies at least once, but the boating life was not for me. It made me green around the gills.


  1. Yes - it's amazing how the economy around here was. My family moved from TN back in the 1950's - everyone had good jobs. My dad said you could walk into the steel mill, Ford, GM etc. and get hired on the spot with a livable wage.

  2. I can relate, Dan; the closest I ever came to being " out on beautiful Lake Erie" was when my brother Mike and me tried to surf on an old door we'd hauled from Leavitt Homes to Lakeview Park.
