Friday, April 15, 2022

Ohio Edison Good Friday Ad – 1972

Well, it’s Good Friday – the day on which Christians commemorate the crucification of Jesus Christ. In the old days, that meant many businesses were closed (except the companies that I worked for).

In 1972, Ohio Edison was one of them, including its Appliance Store on Broadway in Lorain. Even though his appearances were getting pretty rare in the Journal by the early 1970s, our old pal Reddy Kilowatt was pressed into service to put a somewhat incongruously happy face on this most somber of days.

(Speaking of businesses closing, I remember at least one Good Friday in the 1970s in which our favorite pizzeria was closed, and we had to come up with some other dinner solution.)

Anyway, here’s hoping you have a good, meaningful and safe Good Friday. 

I plan on taking a ‘Spring Break’ on the blog next week, as I fix my technical problems with the help of my longtime Mac guru, and am offline for a few days beginning on Monday.

Happy Easter!

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