Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Sheffield Lake in the News – Jan. 1971

More than fifty years ago, the Journal was a Lorain newspaper, focused on the city and what was happening in it. But the paper still covered the surrounding communities well, devoting space and often whole pages to what was going on in Lorain’s neighboring cities.

Above is a good example of that coverage – a nice summary of Sheffield Lake community news that appeared in the Journal on January 21, 1971. We get news about the upcoming Pinewood Derby held by Cub Scout Pack 305; profiles of some of the members of the city’s Civil Service Commission; and list of gifts presented to the city to help make it a better place.

One of those gifts is the sign located at the corner of East Lake Road (U. S. Route 6) and Harris Road. 

As noted in the article, “As their gift to the new city hall, the Jaycees are “lighting the way” to the Sheffield Lake municipal complex at Harris Road and Richelieu Avenues. Last week Mayor Jack Miller accepted an illuminated sign from the organization which has been installed at the intersection of Harris and Lake Road to guide visitors and new residents to the city’s municipal center. A Jaycee civic affairs project, the sign was built by the Winko-Matic Signal Company of Avon Lake and will be lighted 24 hours a day.”

The new city hall complex had been dedicated in June 1970.

I first moved to an apartment on Irving Park Boulevard in Sheffield Lake in the mid-1980s (after a memorable year in the Lorain Overlook Apartments). The Jaycees sign on Lake Road was a big help, as the city was largely a mystery to this transplanted Lorainite. 

I later lived in the Tradewinds Apartments on Harris Road, and eventually bought a house on Lake Road in the late 1990s. I guess I really liked Sheffield Lake.

By the way, there is still a sign on that corner, although it has been enlarged.

The view yesterday

1 comment:

  1. That Hong Kong suit sale at the old Holiday Inn sure was a sign of things to come.Now all garments are made overseas.
