Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Camp Iss-See-Kes Toboggan Run – Jan. 18, 1972

It’s been somewhat of a mild winter so far up here in Lorain County. Not much snow (except for yesterday), and it’s only gotten into the teens temperature-wise a few times. 

Fifty years ago it was much the same. At this point in January 1972, Lake Erie was unfrozen – much to the consternation of ice fishermen, and the businesses that depend upon them.

But there was enough snow to open the toboggan run at Camp Iss-See-Kes in Vermilion, as you can see from the photo below, which appeared in the Journal on January 18, 1972. The photo was by Journal Chief Photographer Tom Whittington.

The caption reads, “Streaking down the toboggan run at Camp Iss-See-Kes in Vermilion over the weekend were back, William Makay, 2550 Oberlin Ave., Lorain, and Randy Staveski, 4645 Oberlin Ave., Lorain. The toboggan run opened for the first time last week.”

I wrote about the popular Camp Iss-See-Kes toboggan run back here. It had been damaged in the infamous July 4, 1969 storm.

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