Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!

Well, we made it to the new year. Happy New Year to all of you!

Hard to believe it’s 2022. Hey, where are the flying cars? 

As usual, I’d like to wish my older brother Ken – Lorain’s First Baby of 1958 – a most Happy Birthday! He’s been featured on this blog for that particular accomplishment many times.

Ken is a little more than a year old in this May 1959 shot.
Note the ‘Gettysburg’ beanie and Fisher Price Corn Popper toy

And keeping in mind the blog's usual fifty-years-ago vantage point, here are a few vintage advertisements welcoming 1972 from the pages of the Lorain Journal. I posted the one with the best name first, of course.

I sure miss Willow Hardware and its helpful employees. But at least out here in Vermilion, we still have an old-time hardware store – Steinacker True Value – and the family that runs it is pretty nice.


  1. Happy New 2022 Dan and family!

  2. Thanks, Rae! Hope 2022 is a Happy New Year for you and your family!

  3. Happy New Year, Dan. Thanks for all you do.

  4. Thanks, Buster! Happy New Year to you too and thanks for all the great comments!

  5. Dan!

    We we were kids, we were specifically promised the following...
    1 - Flying Cars.
    2 - Houses on the moon.
    3 - Antigravity belts.

    What did we get?
    1 - Facebook.
    2 - Twitter.
    3 - TikTok.

    Things sure did go haywire... Somebody should be in Big Trouble, I don't know who, but I know it's not you or me (though I'm not really that sure about you)!


  6. Happy New Year Dan!

  7. Thanks, Seymour! Happy New Year to you, too!
