Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Vogue Room Vintage Postcard

Recently while patrolling eBay for any vintage postcards that I hadn’t seen before, I came up with this great one of Vogue Room, which was located at 2610 Colorado Avenue. 

I just love looking at all the details in the room, including the knotty pine paneling, the juke box, the huge planter, the coffee station, etc. The postcard captures a unique moment in our culture in which Lorain had several nightclubs that wouldn’t have been out of place in Las Vegas.

The copy on the mailing panel describes Vogue Room as “Lorain County’s most beautiful new Restaurant Nite Club, featuring American Food and Italian Spaghetti and Meat Balls. Private banquet room that accommodates up to 100 guests. Ample parking – Air Conditioned. Operated by Joe, Frank and Michael Pribanic.”

I wrote about how Vogue Room began offering the famous “Chicken in the Rough” dinner on its menu back here.

Vogue Room had a few brushes with the law in the late 50s and early 1960s. Perhaps that's why the establishment changed hands and became The Sands in 1964 (whose Grand Opening ad I posted here).

Speaking of The Sands, its longtime and well-known host, Boris “Bobo” Lazoff passed away in late August this year. He owned and operated The Sands for 25 years.

At the time of his passing in April 1959, Lewis Cicco (an ex-Lorain policeman who owned the well-known Cicco’s Tavern west of Vermilion) was the chef at Vogue Room.


  1. Where was the Vogue Room located?When I punch in 2610 Colorado Ave on Google maps it shows a bunch of woods between The Gun Hub and Root Road at the Sheffield/Lorain border.As long as I've known,that area has always been a wooded area.Or is there some ruins of the Vogue hidden in the woods somewhere?

  2. Closer to Nevada on South side. Was looking at Google map W to E and I think it was where Horizon, Dollar Gen or the open lot is in that area. The other side of the woods to the east is the old Gray hound bus depot then Cromwell begins

  3. That is correct, it was located where the Dollar General is now. Here’s a photo of the building before it was torn down:
