Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Huron Demolition Bids – October 1969

Huron’s Urban Renewal program forever altered the look of the lakefront city’s Downtown area, erasing just about all of the historic buildings north of U. S. Route 6. 

Today, the area is quite nice, modern and attractive, but almost completely without historic character. It’s an interesting contrast to what Vermilion did when it created its Harbour Town 1837 district.

Anyway, the article below, which appeared in the Lorain Journal on October 6, 1969, details Huron's demolition process and provides a list of the initial parcels to be torn down.

I’ve written about Huron’s Urban Renewal program before.

Back here, I posted an article about one woman’s unsuccessful effort in April 1969 to save Huron’s town hall; this post includes a December 1969 article about Huron’s vanishing history after the demolition process had begun; I did a two-part “Then and Now” series about Huron (here and here) showing what had been lost due to demolition; and this post highlighted Corky’s Restaurant & Motel, lost to Urban Renewal.


  1. Huron's urban renewal was a crime. They destroyed their town and gained nothing in return.

  2. I agree. It just feels...awkward in that town. A shame.
