Friday, April 16, 2021

Wise Potato Chips 100th Anniversary & the Return of Peppy

I was in the Amherst Drug Mart a few days ago, and saw something that I never thought I’d see again: Peppy the Owl on a bag of Wise Potato Chips

Of course I had to buy a bag, which turned out to be a Limited Edition retro design in honor of the company’s 100th Anniversary. It’s quite nice. (Strangely, I haven’t seen the retro bag on sale anywhere else in the area.)

Hey, I suggested that the company put the “original" Peppy bag on the bag in time for the anniversary back on this 2019 post. I also devoted a blog post to the 1957 Wise Potato Chip recipe book (featuring various concoctions containing crushed chips).

Anyway, it’s good to see a company celebrate its heritage and impressive 100 year accomplishment in such a wonderful way. Click here to visit the Wise Potato Chip website and read more about its history.
Welcome back (for a little while, at least), Peppy!

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