Friday, April 2, 2021

Easter Greetings – 1971

Here’s wishing all of you a Happy and Blessed Easter.

As is the custom here, above is yet another one of those full-page ads with sponsoring companies. It ran in the Journal on April 11, 1971.

Alas, I quickly scanned the listings and failed to find even one company or organization still around fifty years later with exactly the same name. But at least a few of their successors (mainly banks) are still in business in some form. (Ohio Vending Machine, Inc. has evolved into Ohio Vending League Systems.)

Nevertheless, have a great Easter and don’t forget to get that photo down at the Easter Basket of your choice (Lakeview or Oakwood Park).


  1. A Blessed Easter to you and yours, Dan. Rae

  2. Happy Easter to you and your family Dan!

  3. Thanks, Bob! Hope your Easter was a nice one too!
