Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas!

Here’s wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas, and a safe and Happy New Year.

I might take a few days off from blogging during the holidays. We’ll see.

As you can see, the Hot Dog Heaven Santa Claus has a new home this year, in front of the Amherst Town Hall. It’s good to see him, and a nice reminder of how great it will be when the new restaurant is built and open.

By the way, I’m now pretty sure he's a double of the Santa that used to be on display at Parmatown Mall in 1960.


  1. Thanks, Buster! Merry Christmas to you too!

  2. Downtown Amherst has some nice Christmas decorations. At least they have an actual town tree and not something half a mile away on a side street, unseen by most people, like Oberlin does.......

  3. How cool! This is the stuff I love! The pic of a Santa just like the one in Amherst from 1960 Parmatown Mall. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Is there any chance the Santa’s are one in the same. They are exact if you look at the features.
