Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve – 1970

Well, it’s Christmas Eve 2020. 

For those of you that were reading the Journal fifty years ago today, then the above front page reproduction should look familiar. It has the traditional decorative border that appeared annually on the day before Christmas. It’s like seeing an old friend.

And speaking of old friends, regular readers of this blog remember that the artwork was created by Journal artist Gene Patrick (note the tiny “gp” in the corner). 

Anyway, here’s hoping you have a happy and safe Christmas Eve.


Over in Brownhelm, of course, the traditional Community Christmas will take place tonight, just as it has since December 1932. The charming holiday custom has been a favorite topic on this blog. (Click here to read all of the different posts, including a look at how the very first one played out in the newspaper).

The Journal’s coverage from December 1970 has a nice capsule history of the annual event. 

One of my most visited posts is this one, in which I reminisce about believing in Santa Claus. If you’ve never read it before, give it a look if you’re so inclined – and leave your own reminisces about believing in the jolly old elf.


  1. Merry Christmas, Dan. Keep up the interesting work. It is thoroughly enjoyed!

  2. Merry Christmas to you too, Tim! And thanks for all the comments!
