Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Lakeside Ten Apartments Unveiled – March 1970

Fifty years ago, apartment living was being heavily promoted in the Lorain Journal as a carefree alternative to home ownership. A variety of articles and ads ran over the weekend of Feb. 28 - March 1, 1970.

The most heavily promoted property was the luxurious new Lakeside Ten Apartments in Sheffield Lake right on U. S. Route 6. The ad above ran in the paper on Saturday, Feb. 28th.

A day later, the special article below ran on Sunday.

(I did a "Then & Now” photo treatment of Lakeside Ten here. I also wrote about the groundbreaking of Lakeside Ten back here.)
It’s still amazing to me that Sheffield Lake gave up its lakefront city hall property to develop Lakeside Ten. It was quite forward-thinking and a glimpse of things to come.
Anyway, today the apartments are known as The Perch on Lake (sounds kinda tasty) and are still impressive to see.


  1. Too bad it went from luxury living....from banning kids under 16 to having 24 hour surveillance for auto now were any age person can live there and there is no security for cars at all.....There are alot of Section 8 people living there now....Nothing against them,but I don't want to live by a Section 8 family.So naturally other "down on their luck" type people move in....Next thing you know the whole high rise is filled with not very desirable type "families"......I'd say the first 10 years were the best years for the Lakeside 10 apartments....From then on it's been down hill.

  2. I can see why you're "anonymous"; nothing against you, though.

  3. I agree with the first poster above.Not to offend you Alan,but Lakeside 10 used to be a good place to live.My sister lived there in the early 80's.By the end of the 80's it was getting run down.It probably got sold and then the new owners just wanted to milk it for all it was worth and didn't do any upkeep on the property.Then 1 undesirable person moves in,then 10 more,then 30 more.It then just continues to breed and grow from that 1 person moving in.That's all it took.It went from being a good clean classy place to live in to being just another high rise that rents to anyone.I'm not against anyone living where they want to and can afford to,but I don't want to look out and see and hear kids screaming at all hours of the day and night.Section 8 benefits are there for a purpose.But they need to show respect for their fellow tenants and mind their manners and clean up after themselves if anyone receives free public assistance,because we are the ones paying for it!Plus I do not want to look at dirty walls from finger smudges to garbage littering the property grounds.Then there is the mysterious smell of marijuana that appears at various levels of the high rise.Plus a broken down car or two.Plus the anonymous apartment door kick ins every so often(kids or ghosts?,you decide)It just goes on and on.So yeah,the first 10 years,maybe 15 years were the best years of Lakeside 10.After that just the memories are the only thing that are any good now.But that's just from my sisters experience.Maybe the complex is classy once again.Maybe all of the riff raff is gone and it is a desirable place to live again.But I highly doubt it.
