Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

Here’s wishing all of you a safe, happy and healthy 2020!

As usual, I’d like to wish my older brother Ken (Lorain’s First Baby of 1958) a Happy Birthday! I’ve featured Ken as a birthday toddler on this blog several times, including here and here.

Anyway, above is the full-page ad announcing all the goodies that Lorain’s First Baby of 1970 was going to get. The ad ran on New Year’s Eve 1969.

There’s plenty of well-remembered Lorain firms providing the swag for the first bébé, including Meyer Goldberg Supermarkets, Kline’s, Rigbee’s, Januzzi’s and Jupiter Discount Store. I still think it’s funny that Lorain had both a Mars and Jupiter store.

Tomorrow I’ll do the big reveal.

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