Friday, December 6, 2019

Public Art Vermilion Postcard Project

While taking photographs around Vermilion a few weeks ago to accompany some blog posts, I noticed the first of the new Public Art Vermilion postcards in place on the side of the building at 686 Main Street. (Public Art Vermilion is a committee of Main Street Vermilion.)

It was unveiled to the public in early November. (You can read the Morning Journal’s coverage of the event here.)

The hand-painted reproduction of the vintage ‘Greetings’ postcard was a great choice for the first in the series, as it reinforces Vermilion’s longtime status as a desirable destination in Lake Erie’s Vacationland. Artists Mike Sekletar and Brian Goodwin did an incredible job of duplicating the original postcard as a large oil painting.

Here’s the original postcard for comparison.

Hat’s off to Main Street Vermilion for coming up with such a neat project that will enhance the downtown Vermilion shopping experience.

I did a multi-part series on Vermilion as seen on vintage postcards back here in July.

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