Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!

Here's hoping that all my readers and friends have a wonderful and blessed Christmas!

I thought it was only fitting to feature our old pal Huckleberry Hound today, since he's been the subject of a few posts this year, including his visit to Hills Dept. store in 1966, and his appearance at an Ohio State game in 1955. By the way, let's hope Ohio State beats Clemson this Saturday in the Fiesta Bowl.

I'll be taking some time off from the blog for the next few days, but will be back around New Year's Eve (for the usual grisly post advocating safe driving).

Anyway, Happy Holidays to you and yours!

I'll be doing some heavy reading during my holiday break.


  1. Same to you Dan,

    And many thanks for another great year of content on your Blog!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and yours Dan!

  3. Thanks, Jeff! Hope you are enjoying the holidays as well! Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year! How about some T and J?
