Monday, December 30, 2019

Garage Move – December 30, 1963

Moving a house has been the subject of many posts on this blog over the last ten years.

It’s something that never fails to interest me. The Journal must have known its readers would find it interesting too, since the paper featured so many instances of it.

The subject of today’s blog post is slightly different, in that only a garage is being moved. The photo below ran in the Lorain Journal on December 30, 1963.
Just so you can get your bearing, the house is headed north. Here are the houses (on the west side of Oberlin Avenue) shown in the background today, courtesy of Google Maps.
And here’s an aerial view of the garage at its new home (where the red flag is). The size and shape make me think it’s the same building.
I did try – twice – to get a photo of the garage. But both times when I drove over there to get a shot, there were tons of cars in the driveway (it is the holiday season, after all). Consequently I chickened out, thus avoiding a comical misunderstanding and possible riotous chase around the west side.


  1. Happy New Year to you Dan, and to all the readers!

  2. Thanks, Alan! Happy New Year to you and thanks for all your contributions to the blog! Looking forward to more fun in 2020!
