Thursday, July 4, 2019

July 4th Safety Ads – 1963 & 1958

Well, today is July 4th – so here's the vintage Journal Safety Ad that you've come to expect on this blog.

I couldn't find one for 1969, however. So I had to go back a few more years.

This one was not the usual full page. Maybe the Journal couldn't come up with enough sponsors. Anyway, it ran in the paper on July 3, 1963 and includes the usual array of long-forgotten sponsors.

That's quite an impressive pile of mangled automobiles. One of these days, the real thing is going to happen on I-90 during the morning commute, since 80 mph is the new 65.

Sorry, but the Grim Reaper is not featured in this ad. But the message is still the same: Slow Down!

(But for those of you who need more motivation to think about safety, here's a classic (below) that I posted back in 2011. It's from 1958 and even includes some swimming safety tips. (The original blog post is here, if you'd like to read my attempted witticisms.)

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