Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Frankie the Keener Wiener Ad – June 25, 1969

Did you cook out over the weekend? I seem to eat a lot of hot dogs these days. (I’m hoping all the preservatives in them help me live longer.)
Vintage wrapper
I’m not too picky when it comes to which brand I buy. I have Sugardale (a favorite topic on this blog) Hot Dogs in the fridge right now. I also buy Oscar Mayer or Ball Park Franks.

One brand that I never see (although it's still around) is Superior’s. I’m not sure why I don’t run across them, because they are Ohio-based. If I ever see them, I’ll have to try them.

Anyway, above is an almost full-page ad for Superior’s Frankies featuring its well-known mascot, Frankie the Keener Wiener. It ran in the Journal on June 25, 1969. Although the ad is great, I’m not so keen on the 7-Up promotion, as that particular pop was what we drank as kids when we were sick.

The Superior’s website has a nice history page, with a graphic showing the evolution of Frankie, the winking hot dog mascot.

Frankie was so popular that some promotional items were produced in his likeness, including these condiment containers.
I vaguely remembered a bit of music with the tagline “Frankie the Keener... Weiner!’ And here it is, courtesy of YouTube.


  1. I was just telling my wife about all the local brands of weenies we had as kids; I'd just found Sugardale hot dogs here at our supermarket. They we're okay, but didn't taste quite as I remembered.
    We used to get 7-Up or ginger ale when we were carsick, and the hospital served it a lot (lukewarm).

  2. Yeah, I'm unenthused about the Uncola, that's for sure. And as for hot dogs, I'm discovering that I prefer the Angus ones when I cook them at home.

    1. Do you ever cook them on a fork over the stove? I wish I could, but we have an electric range.

  3. They didn't work so well with my electric fireplace either.
