Friday, January 4, 2019

Kline’s – 1959 Happy New Year Ad

Here’s one final Happy New Year-themed ad to finish out the week. It’s for Kline’s, one of the mainstays of Downtown Lorain for 61 years.

This ad makes me feel sentimental.
For one thing, Kline’s was important to my family. Grandma Brady supported herself by working there as a sales clerk for decades, becoming good friends with the store manager (Ben Weintraub) and his wife. The Weintraubs were very good to her and our family.

I’ve written a lot about Kline’s on this blog. I did a multi-part series on the store’s history beginning (here). I wrote about the store’s unique Sixth Street entrance (here) as well as the whole Gould block (here). And there are a few posts featuring various Kline’s ads (such as these Christmas ones) as well.

Memories of Kline’s still persist in our family. Over the recent holidays, my mother remembered that for one Christmas, Grandma Brady had brought home a huge roll of wrapping paper from Kline's for my parents. Mom laughed as she recalled that Dad wrapped every single present going under the Brady tree with that same wrapping paper.

Anyway, the ad also makes me feel sentimental because I was born in 1959. It seems like a long time ago.

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