Tuesday, September 4, 2018

School’s Open Ad – Sept. 1, 1968

Back in the days when school started after Labor Day, newspaper readers could often count on a full-page safety ad in the Journal during the first week of September, reminding drivers to take extra care around schoolyards.

Above is one of those ads. It ran in the Journal on September 1, 1968.

It’s kind of a strange ad, with the student wearing roller skates to school and about to take a tumble. At least in this case, the driver seems to be aware of her unfortunate fall. Mercifully, the ad’s designer decided to leave out a smirking Grim Reaper, seen in so many other similar safety ads.

Once again, half of the fun of looking at these ads is seeing who is still in business decades later. In this case, Rosie’s Pizza appears to be one of the only survivors.

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