Thursday, July 26, 2018

Lorain City Hall Belles – July 26, 1956

Although it might seem hopelessly sexist today, there was a time when the Lorain Journal could devote a full page to a photo feature highlighting the pretty women that worked at Lorain City Hall. And that time was exactly 62 years ago today, when the full-page of photo portraits by Doug Moore ran on July 26, 1956.

Actually, it’s all in fun – and you get the impression that the women enjoyed being acknowledged for their important contribution in running the city.

The photo captions provide a nice window into operations at City Hall back then, identifying the secretaries to the Service Director, Prosecutor, Safety Director, City Auditor, and Mayor. (Mayor John Jaworski’s secretary is his daughter!)

For me, one of the highlights of the page is seeing Clerk of Courts Frank Katrick surrounded by his staff of deputy clerks. As I mentioned in previous posts, I sat right behind the talented musician and artist in the Biz Grove Orchestra (and a few of its later incarnations) for many years. (Frank played saxophone and I was in the trombone section.) 

1 comment:

  1. For some reason, I found this article fascinating. The top, middle lady reminded me of Annette Funicello in her Mouseketeer days.
