Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Hot Waters Improvements – July 1963

Yesterday's post featured the Beaver Park Boat Club's headquarters building, which was brand new in 1954.

Today's post includes a photo of the former Lorain Yacht Club's clubhouse, the subject of many posts on this blog last year before it was torn down. I wrote about the history of the LYC clubhouse here and here, its impending doom here and its demolition here.

Anyway, the article below, which appeared on the front page of the Lorain Journal on July 12, 1963 is mainly about improvements to the municipal pier that were being planned at that time.

What's interesting is the photo's caption. It notes, "In the background are the small boat ramps and the Fraternal Order of Police building which will be remodeled into a concession stand and rest room area if approved by council and the state."
Thus even in 1963, the building's potential for tourist purposes was recognized.  
Nevertheless, the building is gone now. I wonder what happened to the anticipated proposals for the empty lot?

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