Thursday, February 8, 2018

Lorain Telephone Ad – Feb. 10, 1952

Here's a Lorain Telephone Company ad with a winter snowstorm theme (very appropriate this week) that ran in the Lorain Sunday News back on Feb. 10, 1952 – 66 years ago this week. As you can see, it features the Bell Telephone mascot in a cameo appearance.

The advertising copy is kind of quaint in this age of constant smartphone usage. The ad notes that during snowstorms, "Housewives visit by phone... office lines teem with calls... store switchboards buzz constantly... even the youngsters telephone more frequently.”

Call me a Luddite, but frankly I’m tired of having to think about my cell phone all the time. Do I have it with me? Is it turned on?

Every once in a while, I forget it at home – and just for that day, I feel liberated. Somehow, I manage to survive.

I keep intending to get rid of my land line, but old habits are hard to break. It never rings (even the Lorain Public Library’s “robot” doesn’t call me anymore to let me know my reserved books are in) but it still seems unthinkable for me to get rid of it.


  1. Call me a dinosaur, but I use my land line more than my cell phone. I carry my cell phone infrequently, and as a consequence I frequently don't remember where I left it. Rather than spending time rummaging around the house looking for the phone, I just call my cell using the land line and follow the ring! (LOL) I know that anyone under age 60 is rolling their eyes, but I find constant phone calls a nuisance.

  2. I agree, Rick! I know I sound like a curmudgeon in today's post, but I really dislike cell phones and refuse to bring mine into a store or library.
