Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Cleveland Home and Flower Show Ad – Feb. 1958

The Great Big Home + Garden Show is on right now out at Cleveland's IX Center through Feb. 11. It's a successor of sorts to the original Cleveland Home & Flower Show.

Thus, it's a good time to post the above ad for the Home & Flower Show at the Public Auditorium, which ran in the Lorain Journal on Feb. 26, 1958. I guess the Early American craze was in its infancy then. (Within a few years, there would be a lot of garage doors on the west side of Lorain with cast metal American Eagle plaques on them.)

So what home show is that out at the IX Center now? A great timeline on helps to sort them all out.

For years, the Cleveland Home & Flower Show was in Downtown Cleveland. The show eventually merged with the National Home and Garden Show in the 1990s and became the Cleveland Home and Garden Show. It moved to Euclid in 2010 when the IX Center decided to sponsor a different home show, the current Great Big Home and Garden Show. Got that all straight?

Anyway, the original home show that was in Downtown Cleveland is no more. But the current home show version is on through this Sunday, if you have a hankering to enter some giveaway contests.

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