Tuesday, January 30, 2018

That Telephone Gal

1944 Magazine Ad
Yesterday on the blog, I featured the longtime advertising mascot of the Bell Telephone System, the little guy with a telephone for a body. The utility used him to communicate important messages to customers for about thirty years.

Well, before I leave this topic, did you know there was a female version of the mascot as well? Above is a magazine ad from 1944, in which the comely mascot offers some wartime tips about using long distance. The tips seem quaint today, especially in view of our incessant use of our smartphones.

Here's another appearance (below) from earlier in the war – 1942. I'm not sure if it's the same character, as her hair is different. Here she's offering tips to help the defense effort, such as answering the telephone promptly, having the right phone number before you dial and not talking on the phone too long. More good advice in both wartime and peacetime.

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