Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Chief Wahoo Heads for the Happy Hunting Ground

Speaking of mascots (as I often am), you might be surprised to learn that I’m not particularly upset about the Cleveland Indians’ decision to phase out Chief Wahoo on their uniforms.

And that’s despite the fact that I’m very fond of the Indians' lovable mascot.

To me, he’s a happy reminder of going to Cleveland Indians games at the Stadium with Dad and my brothers back in the late 60s and early 70s.

And strange as it may seem, Chief Wahoo made me think more positively of Indians. Instead of always seeing them as evil savages that needed to be dispatched by John Wayne with a gun, thanks to Chief Wahoo I saw them as friends.

But, if theres anything I learned after writing this blog for many years, its that just because something is old and beloved doesn't mean that it's going to be around forever. Let's face it, it's amazing that Wahoo's lasted this long, seeing as he's not exactly a flattering representation of a Native American.

So it's probably a good time to say goodbye to the Chief. 

He's not really going away, though. You will still be able to buy merchandise with his image locally. 

As for me, I have all the Chief Wahoo souvenirs I need – my baseball cap, my retro bobblehead, and my old baseball program. And most importantly, my memories of going to those games as a kid.

I've written quite a bit about Chief Wahoo and the Cleveland Indians over the years on this blog, including a post about the 1949 Cleveland Indian Sketch Book, my vintage ticket collection, Wahoo's appearance in a 1958 Hickory Grill ad, and my 1968 scorecard.

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