Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Baby New Year & Cotton Club Ginger Ale – Dec. 30, 1947

Here's a nice New Year's-themed ad for Cotton Club Ginger Ale that ran in the Lorain Journal on December 30, 1947 – 70 years ago! Looks like Baby New Year is planning on having a few highballs.
After all the posts I’ve done about Canada Dry Ginger Ale, I guess Cotton Club Ginger Ale deserves a little attention.

(When I was a kid, I didn’t realize that the image on the Cotton Club bottle's label was a silhouette of a band, or that there was a famous Harlem nightclub by that name.)

Cotton Club Bottling was originally a Cleveland company. Besides their Ginger Ale, the company also manufactured Cherikee Red, as well as 50/50, the half-grapefruit, half-lime soft drink.

Of course, Cotton Club Less Sweet Ginger Ale is well-remembered for the brand’s comely mascot, Big Ginger, whose likeness adorned the bottle’s label.

You can read more about the company's history here on the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History website.

In the meantime for your amusement, here’s a 1970s disco-themed commercial for Cotton Club Less Sweet Ginger Ale.


  1. Wow. What woman wants to be known as "Big Ginger"? ;-p

    1. Well, we weren't that critical back then. And if a woman looked like that who'd care 😘

  2. I wouldn't be surprised if that was Big Ginger herself dancing with that guy in the commercial.

  3. It appears that Cotton Club Ginger Ale is no more. Cannot find this tasty beverage anywhere around Greater Cleveland!

  4. I can’t find it either (usually it was in Discount Drug Mart).

  5. Wasn't there a commercial featuring Big Ginger in a far more seductive version of the original jingle?
