Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Ford Plant Groundbreaking – Nov. 1956 Part 3

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new Ford Lorain Assembly Plant went off as planned on Wednesday, November 21, 1956, with Hayes B. Whittlesey manning one of the shovels. The above photo ran on the front page of the Lorain Journal that day.

The accompanying article written by Jack LaVriha noted, “A party of Lorain County business, civic and industrial leaders, public officials and representatives of families in the township braved a steady drizzle to be at the groundbreaking ceremony.

“Manning spades to turn over soil which became thoroughly wet by an all-night rain were James O. Wright, assistant manager of Ford Division; Ward Fulsom, general manufacturing manager of Ford Division, and Hayes B. Whittlesey, 80-year old Brownhelm Township farmer and member of a pioneer township family.”

In his speech at the luncheon following the ceremony, Thomas R. Reid, director of civic affairs for Ford Motor Company, stated that Ford believed in being a good corporate neighbor and citizen. Reid promised that in addition to “providing good jobs and the local purchasing power of a good payroll,” Ford Motor Company would assume its fair share of the community’s charity drives and local business contributions.

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