Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Ford Plant Groundbreaking – Nov. 1956 Part 2

On November 13, 1956, the Lorain Journal featured the above photo of the home of Hayes B. Whittlesey in its pages as a tie-in with the previous day’s account of Mr. Whittlesey’s planned participation in the groundbreaking ceremony of the new Ford plant.
Today the country road on which the house is located is no longer called Foster-Park Road. The new Route 2 constructed in the 1960s resulted in the rerouting of today’s Cooper Foster Park Road north of the highway. The portion of Cooper Foster Park Road south of the highway and east of Baumhart Road on which the Whittlesey farm is located is now called Whittlesey Road.

Courtesy Google Maps
The sign directs the motorist to head north on Baumhart
to access the eastern continuation of Cooper Foster Park
Here’s my shot of the former Hayes B. Whittlesey home from this past weekend (below).
I almost didn’t recognize the house when I went to photograph it on Saturday morning. A Google Maps “drive-by” showed the house as it looked in 2008, still with its whitewashed appearance (below).


  1. Hi,

    Thanks for posting my grandfather Hayes Whittlesey's home. Looking good! Fun to see a picture of him too.


  2. Hi Lesley! I’m glad you found and enjoyed the articles, it makes me happy when someone discovers something of importance or significance to their family on the blog! Thanks for letting me know! And I love Whittlesey Road, especially in autumn!
