Friday, May 26, 2017

Vintage Coal Bills

It's funny that although the Zboray Coal ad that I posted recently was originally just a filler, it seems to have kindled (or stoked, if you prefer) some readers' memories, and generated some interesting emails.

Longtime blog contributor Bob Kovach (who has provided me with many great photos and reminisces over the years) contacted me recently and sent me some scans of some great vintage records relating to Lorain coal orders (shown below).

Bob wrote, "I thought you might get a kick out of these. About twenty some years ago, I was hired to clean some old file cabinets out of a basement on Broadway. They were filled with a wealth of information about old Lorain as far back as the turn of the century.

"They were files from a very old law firm in Lorain, forgotten for decades I imagine. The sad thing is I had thrown a lot out before I finally took a good look at what they were. Luckily, I managed to hold on to quite a bit of history."
We’re lucky that Bob saved these, as I'm sure that in 2017 there aren't too many of these things floating around anymore. Thanks for sharing (as usual), Bob!

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