Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day 1947

Seventy years ago, it was Memorial Day 1947.

As you can see from the front page of the May 28, 1947 Lorain Journal, the city was getting ready for the solemn holiday. One article describes how a rainy spring made it difficult for the maintenance staffs of Elmwood and Calvary cemeteries to get their work done in time. The Honor Roll in Washington Park was also getting spruced up.

Other articles mention the falling Lorain milk prices, proposed sidewalks for Kew Gardens, a birthday celebration for the Dionne quintuplets and a wandering “ghost ship.”

On the eve of the holiday, the front page of the May 29, 1947 Journal mentions those 103 sycamore trees planted on the eastern approach to the bridge and dedicated to Lorain’s war dead of World War II.

A monument was also dedicated that day on the same side of Henderson Drive. (It was later moved to its present location, which I wrote about here on its 65th anniversary).

Other items found on the front page include one verse from Rudyard Kipling’s Recessional, a “War of the Worlds”-like scare for a Tokyo radio audience, and the announcement that four Lorainites were nominated for permanent commissions in the regular army.

Have a safe and pleasant Memorial day!

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