Thursday, September 1, 2016

LSE 38’s On Track at Artstown Shopping Center

Since there hasn’t been a lot of media coverage so far, the above scene might come as a surprise to Lake Road travelers, who might wonder if they’re seeing a phantom car haunting the old Beach Park interurban station property in Avon Lake.

But they’re not seeing a ghost. Lake Shore Electric No. 38 was installed recently (see photo below) at its new home in the parking lot of Artstown Shopping Center in Avon Lake, near the planned Lake Shore Electric Railway museum.

Courtesy Dennis Lamont
Now that No. 38 is mounted on its trucks, it’s looking like it’s ready to head on down the tracks.
I was given the heads-up via email by Dennis Lamont that it had been moved, so I drove over there a few times this past weeked to get some photos.
Dennis and Tom Patton might need to hire a savvy P.R. man for their LSE museum, though.

While taking pictures of No. 38 Saturday, I enjoyed a friendly chat with an Avon Lake couple who took a break from their bike ride to check it out up close. They were unaware of why the car was there, or that a Lake Shore Electric Railway museum is planned. But they were quite enthused when I explained it all to them.


  1. Yeah, a sign up near it explaining things would help.....

  2. Does anyone remember Trolleyville Usa? It was located on Columbia Road near Olmsted Falls. I stopped there once sometime in the 1980s. It was a rather large museum that had probably a few miles of trackage, and a few operating trolley cars. A number of other cars, while not operational, were on display. It was the only time I ever rode a Lakeshore Electric Interurban -- at least that is what it was purported to be. I vaguely remember that the site was closed many years ago and the cars sold off. Does anyone know the full story?

  3. Copy and paste this site...I hope it helps.. ... Bill N

  4. Rick, Here is another site that tells about Trolleyville.. ....Bill N
