Friday, September 2, 2016

Bob Lynch Cartoon Tribute to the New Lorain High

I got a real kick out of seeing this cartoon in the pages of the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram back in mid-August, so I thought I would share it here on the blog.

Well-known local artist and C-T editorial cartoonist Bob Lynch created this wonderful illustrated tribute to the new Lorain High School. It includes nostalgic nods to all three of the city’s former public high schools – Admiral King, Southview and the original Lorain High.

Of course, I enjoyed seeing my “unofficial” Titan mascot character mingling with the others, especially the beloved Southview Saint (one of the most memorable and best-designed local school mascots).

Hats off to Bob Lynch for a job well done – in the Elyria (at one time the biggest Lorain football rival) newspaper no less!

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