Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Reidy Scanlan Funeral Home – Then & Now

I saw this on Ebay the other day and thought it would make a timely post. It’s a vintage double postcard advertising the Reidy Scanlan Funeral Home. (By the way, the former Reidy Scanlan furniture building was still standing as of last weekend, waiting for its appointment with the wrecking ball.)

A funeral home is kind of an unusual subject for postcard. I guess that’s one postcard that you don’t send to a friend inscribed with “Wish you were here."

The building in the photo sports a different paint scheme than what is currently on the building, as seen in my shot (below) from this past weekend.

Hey, what happened to the light post? A casualty of the widening of Broadway, I guess. However, it looks like an earthquake struck in the “now” shot.
To visit the website for the Reidy Scanlan Giovannazzo Funeral Home, click here.


  1. It's really a nice looking building, surprisingly unchanged all these years. The side has a "Sante Fe" train depot look.

    Good then and now match up.

  2. You can see the shadow of the light post, they moved it, guess the light shinning in the window at night kept the dead awake?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Weren't the originally on 21st and Broadway?
    That's the location with all the furniture in the windows.

  5. It was next door to this. Amy
