Thursday, November 19, 2015

Reichlin-Reid-Scanlan 1937 Thanksgiving Ad

Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching, and so to put you in the mood, here's an ad for Reichlin - Reidy - Scanlan that ran in the Lorain Journal on November 18, 1937 – 78 years ago yesterday.

It’s a pretty effective and attractive ad. And so much furniture for $99.50!

The china cabinet reminds me of mine a little bit (below) although it’s not as ornate as the one shown in the ad.

Decades ago, a boyfriend of one of the spouse’s girlfriends had mentioned that his mother was getting rid of it, and that she’d be happy to give it away to someone who wants it. So we borrowed a truck and drove out to the eastern suburbs (either Willoughby or Willowick – can’t remember which) to get it, sight unseen.
It’s been a pretty nice piece all these years for something that was free.
My only problem is that recently, I’ve been wondering if my house is haunted, and if someone (or thing) came into the house many years ago, piggyback on one of the many, many antiques – including the china cabinet.

I hope not. 


  1. I was looking at that ad thinking I would love that cabinet - I am jealous


  2. Loraine isnt the only one jealous. Its really lovely. Ready scanlan was the place to buy nice furniture. My mom saved money for the longest time to buy living room furniture , back in the 1950s.the pieces were so special they have been passed down to the daughters .What a very special furniture store!

  3. When we passed it, as a kid, I usdd to think they took the dead people's furniture and resold it.
