Thursday, October 22, 2015

New Avon Lake Police & Fire Station – October 25, 1946

I don't write too much about Avon Lake, so I thought it might be nice to post this article. It's from the Lorain Journal on October 25, 1946, announcing that the new Avon Lake police and fire station was ready for public inspection.

It's strange to think of that small building as being the headquarters of the city's safety forces back then.


Public Invited to View Village Building Next Week

AVON LAKE – Open house will be held all next week beginning Sunday at the new fire and police station at the corner of Avon-Belden-rd, and Lake-rd, Avon Lake, according to plans arranged by the village council and the police and fire departments.

Hours for inspection will be from 1 to 10 p. m. Sunday and from 6 to 10 p. m. the remainder of the week. Invitation has been extended to all residents and others interested.

Landscaped Grounds
The new building does not resemble the typical fire station as of old, but is of residential design of red brick, set well back from the highway. It is attractive in appearance and the grounds surrounding are well kept and landscaped.

The office entrance is on Lake-rd and the fire department and police car exit is on Avon-Belden-rd.

The fire truck, a pumper mounted on a 1938 chassis, carries 1,000 feet of two and one-half inch hose, 200 feet of one and one-half inch hose and 150 feet of one inch hose. Approximately 550 gallons of water can be pumped in a minute.

Booster Tank
On the truck also is a 300 gallon booster tank, which enables the firemen to start pumping almost immediately when arriving at a fire, before the connections are made with the hydrant. If a farm fire, it can be used until connections are made with a cistern or well.

The interior of the apparatus room is white glazed tile. In the building is the fire and police office, dormitory, which includes showers for the men on duty, two jail rooms, and a hose tower in the apparatus room to protect and dry out the fire hose.

The architect was Silabee and Smith, Elyria, and the contractor, R. P. Carbone Construction Co., Cleveland.

The fire chief of Avon Lake is Carl Haag, Chief of police is William J. Arnold.


I drove out to Route 83 a few weeks ago to get my now shot (below) and was fairly surprised to see how much the building had changed and was slowly being hidden by landscaping.

Today, the building is known as the Old Firehouse Community Center, which provides recreational programs for seniors and teens. Here’s the link to its page on the website.