Wednesday, October 21, 2015

1936 Reichlin - Reidy - Scanlan Phone Book Ad

I found this in the library last week, and thought it was pretty appropriate to post it. It's a full-page ad for the Reichlin - Reidy - Scanlan Company that appeared in the 1936 edition of the Lorain Telephone Company directory.

It's strange seeing the building in its heyday and in all its glory, with nice signage.

The sign with the words "The Outfit Store" confuses me a bit. I couldn't find a listing for another business that rented space in the building by that name in any of the phone books or directories of that time period. So I’m guessing that it refers to the Reichlin - Reidy - Scanlan Company, since it was not only a funeral business but also a company that sold furniture, rugs, carpet, lamps, stoves, radios, refrigerators, etc. However, none of the ads or listings I found used “The Outfit Store” as a tagline.

Anyway, this building will be coming down soon, and more's the pity.

Here’s the sad “now” photo (below) that I shot a little more than a week ago. It still looks to be in good shape, as opposed to the crumbling Broadway Building.

It sure had a lot more sidewalk in the vintage ad. 

1 comment:

  1. ...I remember seeing old newspapers with ads for Reichlin-Reidy-Scanlan (would have been the mid 60s) but I think they were just Reidy Scanlan by then.

    I do remember that this was where my mom's family - the Carpentieres, the Zichis. the Alleruzzos - all came to say their goodbyes to one another. The RS staff was always so very kind and helpful when you needed it.

