Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Mari-Dor Beach Cottages Revisited

I love driving west of Lorain on Route 6, and enjoy seeing all of the old cottages that time has somehow forgotten. Not surprisingly, they've been the subject of numerous posts on this blog.

Back in 2011, I did a post on Mari-Dor Beach Cottages. The business had just celebrated its 150th year in July of that year, and the Morning Journal did a nice write-up of the event.

Well, late last summer I received a nice email from Doug Kishman, the fourth-generation owner of Mari-Dor Beach cottages in Vermilion. He wrote, "I just happened on to your site about nostalgia postcards and such.

"I noticed you have one of our 1964 cards on it. That particular shot was taken looking west down the long drive that the cottages are on and the lake is definitely on the right. I was 5 years old when that was taken, and I am standing playing tether ball in the picture.

Here's the postcard Doug was talking about (below).

Doug was nice enough to send me a few vintage postcards.

He noted, "One is from the entry back in the 1930's including the general store that used to be at the entrance. They found the cottages brought in more revenue, so they took the store, moved it lakefront, and started renting it as a cottage in the early 1950's."

Here's that postcard featuring the general store (below).

Doug also sent a few more vintage cards (below).

Doug revealed his future plans for the business. He wrote, "We're still in business and my kids (5th generation) have started to help out and hopefully will be taking it over when I can't do the work anymore. Business is very good and we have many families still coming whose parents and grandparents started coming clear back to the early 1900's. We've updated some things but tried to keep the feel of our nostalgic vacation get-away. We do have internet now though! Hope you enjoy these pics.”

My thanks to Doug for sharing his memories and postcards. Here's wishing Mari-Dor Beach many more years of success, and my hope that it continues to serve not only as an oasis for those desiring a timeless, relaxing lakefront cottage experience, but also a vacation from the stress and hassles of modern day life.
Here's the link to the Mari-Dor Beach website and Facebook page.

A 1970s view


  1. Another very nice blog! I also love to drive down that same road, so many memories. Hope family will keep the cottages in business for many many more years. Judy

  2. Good blog Dan. Especially apt on a beautiful lazy August afternoon. It brings back pleasant memories of what were seemingly endless summer days when I was a kid in the 1950s. I am especially glad to read that the family has plans to continue with the family style beach resort. Whenever I drove that stretch of road in recent years I was always afraid I would see a "For Sale" sign on the property, heralding the coming of a new group of condos or a lakefront housing development.

    How about a blog on Cask Villa, which, as I'm sure you know, was just down the road.
