Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Overlook Road in Vermilion – Then & Now

Last week I did my much delayed post about Fior's Lake Road Spaghetti House in Vermilion that included several vintage photos sent to me by Jim Bearden.

I held one of them back – the one shown above. It's a view of Overlook Road looking north from the Fior restaurant property circa 1950. As Jim observed, "I thought it was a cool shot since it was before the Vermilion On-The-Lake development was completed."

I thought it was pretty neat too, and drove out there this past weekend to grab my "now" shot (below).

In case you're wondering, I couldn't quite determine if the house beyond the tracks in the 1950 photo is still there today. There's a few candidates, but it's pretty hard to tell.

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