Friday, June 20, 2014

Courtwright Tourist Home in Sheffield Lake

Recently while thumbing through a copy of The Avon Lake and Sheffield Lake 1960-1961 Directory (published by the Lake Shore Methodist Church), I happened to notice yet another tourist home on U.S. Route 6: the Courtwright Tourist Home. This one was in my current town of Sheffield Lake and was located at 4689 E. Lake Road – just west of where Harris Road dead-ends at the lake.

The Courtwright Tourist Home was also represented in the Lorain City Directory. Here's its ad from the 1960 edition. Note the slightly different address listing.

I drove over there last weekend to see what it looked like. It's a great old rambling mansion that you really can't see from Lake Road (below).

According to the Lorain County Auditors website, it was built in 1920. Here's a pretty nice shot from the Auditor website (below).

What's interesting to me is the fact that the Courtwright Tourist Home was still in business as a tourist home in 1960. (I'm not sure how long it had been in business.)

It continued to appear in the directory until the 1967 book, bringing to a close its role as a choice for weary travelers along U. S. Route 6.

I went back and checked the directories; the Courtwright Tourist Home first appeared in the Lorain City Directory in 1957 – so it was a late bloomer in the roadside lodging business.


  1. My husband, last name Popiel, grew up in that home from 1967-1982.

  2. My husband, last name Popiel, grew up in that home from 1967-1982.
